Wednesday, February 24, 2010

9 months!

Weight - 25 lbs 2 oz

Length - 30 inches

We have a big boy on our hands! As you can see Grant loves to stand, walk, and explore. We haven't exactly seen him crawl but somehow he starts out sitting in the middle of the floor and next thing we know he has pulled himself up by the sofa and is standing on the other side of the room....within a matter of a minute or 2. Doesn't want to give his secret away I guess.

He can say 'bubba', 'da-ee' (daddy), and today he has been saying 'mama'. He can also say 'woo', which is our dog's nickname. Besides exploring he LOVES to eat. We have gone past the baby food stage; it's all table food for him. He eats 3 meals/day, 2 snacks, and still nurses a few times. I'm not used to having a baby that will eat. Even to this day his brother Jeff does not like to eat.

Grant has 2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth so far. The other top tooth is starting to show but has not fully come through yet. Teething has been hard on both Grant and me...if he doesn't sleep neither do I.

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