Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day of 3rd grade

This summer just flew by! Today is Jeff's first day of 3rd grade. We met his teacher and dropped off his school supplies yesterday. She knows Jeff from Kindergarten when she helped his teacher that year and Jeff really likes her. I think we will have a great year.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New experience...more milestones

Today was a new experience for all of us as we attended church for the first time since the arrival of Grant. Both Shane and I were a bit skeptical about him being apart from both of us as he stayed in the nursery. He has had either Shane or myself in his sight since day one. But the little guy pulled through (and so did Mom and Dad!) and I was only paged once during Bible study because he was hungry. After that he took a short nap and visited with the caretakers and other babies while we attended the Worship service. It was a wonderful experience for all of us and it certainly felt great to be back in the House of the Lord.

We have experienced more milestones in these last few days. The first is that Grant is sleeping in his own bed! It's not that I didn't enjoy snuggling him every night but it is good to be able to change sleeping positions without worrying about waking him. Grant seemed to be ready for that transition so I went for it. It's funny how we are not going 'by the book' during this go around. Jeff was our 'by the book' child; when the book told us to do it we did it with most issues.

And the other milestone that happened today is that Grant is giggling and laughing. During bath time Shane was squeezing the wash cloth over Grant's chest and letting the water drip on him. Grant thought that was so funny. And like his big brother Grant gets the hiccups when he laughs. I don't know if all children do that but both of ours do. Jeff still does to this day.

Jeff continues to be a great big brother and is interacting more with Grant every day. He has asked to hold Grant several times but changes his mind after a few seconds. He even tried to pick Grant up out of his crib when Grant was crying but said that he was too heavy. I'm sure Jeff will start holding him more when Grant learns to sit up. Jeff will be in the 3rd grade this year. Wow! I can't believe how fast these years are flying by. He will be in middle school before we know it.

We are finally finished with all of our school shopping and have just one more week of summer vacation.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer fun continued

The summer is coming to an end; only 2 more weeks until school starts again. We have most of the school supplies bought but still need to get some more clothes for Jeff. He is not that excited about going back and I hate to admit it but I'm sort of glad that it is starting soon. Is that a horrible thing to say?

I can't begin to explain how fast Grant is growing. He will be 12 weeks old this week and is wearing size 12 MONTH clothing!!!! I'm sure he is well over 15 lbs by now. He is able to roll from back to front (if he really wants to) although he hasn't figured out how to get his arm out from under him yet. We are also working on sitting up by himself and he can hold his head up really well. We do tummy time but he's not very patient with that. He is also learning how to use his hands and loves to hold and chew anything made of a cloth material. He has been drooling like crazy for at least a month but no signs of any teeth yet. I have a feeling we will be teething early. I know this sounds crazy but he is attempting to say words. I don't think he understands what the words mean of course but he tries to mimic words that we say to him. His word for Mama is 'ama' and the funniest thing he tried to say today was 'poo poo'. Yes it may be disgusting but he tried to say it! He seems to be trying out the 'p' sound. He tries to say that during his diaper change.

His sleep time is getting better too...well for us anyway. Jeff didn't sleep through the night until he was 3 years old so I don't expect good sleep patterns from Grant either. He sleeps 4-5 hours when I first put him to bed and then wakes up every 2 1/2 - 3 hours after that. But unlike his older brother he loves to snuggle at night. I have really enjoyed that. That may be the difference between a bottle fed and breastfed baby.

Grant's nickname is Go Boy. He loves to go...anywhere! Again, the complete opposite of his big brother. Jeff is a home body. And Grant loves to be outside. We go outside every morning to water the plants.

Although we haven't had much of a vacation this summer we have been sure to take time out for Jeff. Shane took him to a local water park and to the swimming pool several times. His grandparents have also taken him swimming and last week his aunt took him to Sea World. He loves to swim and to be around animals. Sea World has always been the perfect place for him. He is an animal lover! Both Shane and I are too so he comes by that honestly.

Hope everyone is doing well. Will post again soon!

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