Tuesday, February 24, 2009

28 weeks - 3rd trimester

I am officially in the 3rd trimester this week and with it comes the aches and pains. Over the last couple of weeks I've been having what I would describe as slight cramps only to find out that they are actually contractions. Not to worry, my body is just doing what it should do although I was instructed to avoid as many things as I can that seem to cause them; dehydration, sitting in one position for long periods of time, etc. My doctor has recommended that I cut my work schedule back to 6 hrs/day...yay!

I had a checkup with my doctor today and got the glucose test over with. I'm also RH negative so I got a shot too for that. (ouch!...yeah I'm such a baby when it comes to needles)
When we were listening to the heartbeat the nurse was trying to feel around to see how he was positioned. Right now he is laying long-ways across my belly...feet on the left, head on the right. No wonder I've been so uncomfortable! That must not be a common position at this point b/c she seemed pretty shocked to find that he is positioned that way. My next appt is in 2 weeks; it's hard to believe that we are at that point already!

Shane's first week working his second job was sort of tough for all of us but I think we have adjusted well overall. I think there's a positive scenario from every aspect...Jeff and I get more quality time together these last few months, Shane feels a sense of accomplishment, and we have extra money to add to our savings and also to buy all that baby stuff we need. Which reminds me....the nursery needs so much more work!....


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Job and baby update

We are 27 weeks today....last week of the 2nd trimester. Poor baby; he is starting to run out of room to move around. I can definitely feel that he is starting to put on some baby fat as well as growing length wise. My nights aren't as restful anymore but thanks to my thoughtful hubby, I now have a body pillow to prop myself up on. That seems to take some of the pressure off of my back.

And did you know that babies can hiccup in the womb? I got to experience that last week. A mommy's instinct is to rub their back but for now I can only rub my belly. :)

As for the job update....Shane starts his new job today! His official position is not known yet but basically he is working for a company that deals with foreclosed homes. His job is to get the house 'market ready' by taking care of the utilities, etc. He will be working 25 hours/week (5 pm - 10 pm) in addition to his full time job. It will be a tough adjustment for all of us but we are thankful for the extra income and that he still gets weekends off. This is one step towards me staying at home full time!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


You may have already heard about the movie 'Fireproof', starring Kirk Cameron (yes, he's back!). Here is a quick overview of what the movie is about:

In an attempt to save his marriage, A firefighter uses a 40-day experiment known as "The Love Dare".

We first heard about this 40-day experiment when our church announced it a few weeks ago. I had never heard of the movie before that and of course knew nothing about the challenge that came along with it. So we did what God called us to do and signed up for the challenge.

If you want to know more about it...click here.

This challenge is not just meant for couples on the brink of divorce. It is designed to enhance your relationship with your spouse as well as others.

Here is what you need to do to get started:
1. Watch the movie 'Fireproof'. It was released in 2008 and is available in your local video store.
click here
2. Purchase the book 'The Love Dare'. LifeWay book store seems to have the best price.
click here
3. Read and apply the daily devotionals for 40 days

It's that simple! I encourage all of you to take the challenge.

God Bless!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Job Update

Shane has an interview set up with the company that he was recommend to by our neighbor. It is on Wednesday at 4:00 pm! I'll keep you posted......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 weeks

Well here we are in the final weeks of the 2nd trimester. I can't begin to tell you have fast it has gone! You know, besides the fact that this is our second pregnancy and they always seem to go faster, I think all that waiting we did in the adoption process has taught me patience. We had been on the waiting list for a year when they told us we had another 20 months to wait. Compared to that, 9 months is a piece of cake! And that goes to show there is a lesson to be learned in EVERY circumstance God puts us in....good or bad. God is great!

I feel great! Of course I am starting to have trouble getting around sometimes and there are days I feel as big as a house and that my belly is going to pop open at any moment...all the normal discomforts of pregnancy. And it's only going to get worse in that aspect but every discomfort is well worth the blessing that will come with it. I am so ready to meet our little one!

My last checkup was on Tuesday and everything seems to be fine. The doctor was trying to listen to the baby's heartbeat but he kept moving around and kicking her. Guess we have a feisty one on our hands. (Shane's child, feisty....nah!) I get to do the famous glucose test on the next visit and drink that 'yummy' sugar drink. My next visit is in 3 weeks and then every 2 weeks after that. Wow, I really need to get on the ball with decorating the nursery! We are doing pretty good on the diaper stash. Just hope I didn't buy too many size 1's. I opened a package of them to put them in the diaper stacker. They are so precious....and tiny! I've been watching for all the diaper sales at CVS and also getting $1 rebate for every package of Huggies that I buy. Yep, I have a great bargain teacher....right, Amy? : )

We are also trying to work out our finances to where I will be able to stay home beyond the maternity leave. As it stands the daycare expense for both Jeff and the baby will be more than 1/2 of my monthly take home pay. We have been praying for a job opportunity to come up for Shane and it may have been answered through our gracious neighbor, Kim. The company Kim works for is hiring part-time workers for some kind of accounting job and has offered to recommend Shane for the position. We are hoping that a part-time position could eventually turn to full time. Please keep us in your prayers!

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for following!

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker