Friday, March 27, 2009

32 weeks

Not much to report again this week. My check-up went well and the baby is still measuring at the correct week. Fatigue is really starting to kick in...I have felt unrested every day since Monday.

I've been getting the 'wow you are getting big' comments EVERY single day. As many of you moms know, that comment does not go well with the existing feelings of unattractiveness topped off with unstable hormonal mood swings and lack of a good night's sleep that can cause a pregnant woman to go off at any unforeseen moment. Yep, that's been me lately. Miss Sensitive. Poor Shane...I feel for him right now. :) Sorry, Shane!

My final ultrasound is scheduled for April 22nd to check the size and development and also see if an early induction will be needed.

Thanks everyone for reading!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Painting the nursery

What started as a weekend project has turned into a month. Thankfully we are finished with the hard part. Still have the closet doors left to paint.

Big brother helping out...

Ada got in on the action too...



Thursday, March 19, 2009

31 weeks

Really nothing new to report. Another week closer to meeting our little one and another pound heavier. :)

We still have yet to finish painting the nursery. Just when we think we are finished we find another place that needs to be touched up or redone. But the hardest part is over. I promise I will post pics when it is completely finished.

Last weekend we went to the Outlet Mall in Round Rock; Carters was having a 50% off sale. I love their clothes! We ended up getting tons of clothes and a few blankets, bibs, and socks. Our next purchase is going to be a glider/rocker. The Baby Depot in Burlington Coat Factory has some descent ones for a good price. We may end up getting a really nice one and add it to our living room later on.

Yes, I am counting down to when I get to forget about work for 12 weeks and focus on my kids....7 weeks to go! We are still not sure if I will be going back to work. Whatever the Lord decides for us to do is what we will do. Please pray that we will have an open mind when His plan for us is revealed.

Shane still continues to work long hours during the week and I have to say again that I am so thankful for him going that extra mile for us.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, March 13, 2009

30 weeks

My 30 week check-up went well. The glucose test came back normal, the baby is measuring at 30 weeks (please pray that he will continue to be of 'normal' size...haha), his heart rate is normal, and he is finally positioned correctly (his head dropped!). My blood pressure is still normal and no swelling in the feet or hands. I am praying for our continued health throughout the rest of the pregnancy as well as through the birth.

Speaking of birth I discussed with my doctor my birthing preferences and when the next ultrasound will be. Her first question is if I planned on using any pain medication. HA! Of course I will....gimme all you got! maybe I didn't say it like that exactly. But I do choose to have an epidural. Ladies, I don't see how you can give birth without one! As of now we are planning another ultrasound at 36 weeks to check the size and development state. I was induced with Jeffrey at 38 week and he weighed 9 lbs and had the shoulder_dystocia experience. Luckily he had no lasting effects as a result. Taking this history into consideration my doctor has offered the option of an induction at 39 weeks if needed.

As a side note we did start painting the nursery last weekend but ended up disliking the color we chose for the borders and shelves in the room. We are planning to finish up this weekend if all goes well. I will post pics soon.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome, Braxton Hicks (29 weeks)

It seems that Braxton Hicks would like to join this wonderful pregnancy party and has made himself well known starting last week. Let the false labor pains begin. This is new for me; I did not experience this with Jeff. And might I add that sitting at work for 8 hours/day does not help the situation. By the way, my employer will not allow me to go to a part-time schedule (my last post mentioned that my doctor recommended that I work 6 hrs/day). The only option I was given was to start dipping in to the 12 weeks FMLA to make up the 2 hours/day that I would be out. And that would add up to a whopping 3 weeks that I would use before our baby even entered this world. Are they crazy?!! Yes, that's what I pretty much told them....they are crazy. I turned down the option. Thank you God for giving me the strength and wisdom to hold my tongue and resist the urgency to just quit this job all together. (There have been previous experiences that were added in to that equation of throwing in the towel...but we won't go there).

Anyway, I've been trying to get up more and even take walks during my break. So far it has brought on some relief. :)

Shane has seemed to enjoy his part-time job and I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful husband who is willing to go that extra mile to take care of his family. He is such a hard worker and hopefully something more will come of this opportunity for him.

Blessings to everyone,
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker