Wednesday, March 31, 2010

10 months

I can't believe how fast these last 10 months have flown by. It won't be long until the 1 year celebration. My parents have always tried telling me that time flies the older you get...I finally get it now!

Grant is so close to walking on his own. The only thing lacking is his confidence to let go and take a few steps. He could do it. He's also learning to fall on his rear instead of stiffening and falling flat on his back. I have created a 'trail' of things going around the entire living room that he can hold on to and explore on his own. Sometimes he finds a way to get around those barriers and ends up in places he's not supposed to be....say the kitchen for instance.

His vocabulary is getting quite extensive these days. His favorite word of the month is 'outside'. He LOVES being outside. I have a feeling he will be our little outdoors man.

He has 3 teeth on top (with another coming in) and 4 teeth on the bottom. Yep, think it will be time to wean him soon. lol

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