Monday, September 21, 2009

Grant update - 4 months old!

Today our little man is 4 months old. His current weight is 18 lbs 10 oz and he is 26 1/2 inches long (95 percentile); roughly the size of an 8 month old, according to our pediatrician. Never a small baby in this household. :-)

He can now roll over on his tummy but gets mad when he is unable to roll back over on his back. Shane calls him the reverse turtle since he gets stuck on his tummy instead of his back. He is a pro at grasping toys with both hands and of course they all go straight to his mouth. I now keep a bib on him at all times or his outfit will end up soaked with drool. Still no teeth yet. He can sit up pretty well but still needs a little help balancing. I may have mentioned in previous posts that he sucks his thumb. He doesn't suck it that often; only when he's hungry or to help himself go back to sleep. He refuses to take a pacifier.

He still wakes for 1 or 2 feedings at night on average. We did have 2 nights in a row that he slept 7-8 hours without a feeding. Of course I didn't sleep the whole time because I kept waking up to check on him. I have not started him on solids yet. I don't feel that his little digestive system is ready for it just yet; maybe in a few weeks. He loves to drink complaints here. Just a few sips a day and he's happy.

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